

I got Roses Today
I got Roses Today.

From him

and they smelled of honey and silk.

From him

the bouquet was lovely

but those thorns....
they always draw blood.

From him I received darkened eyes
blackened mouth
taped shut
from his fist
from his lies

but it's ok
really it will all be ok
you know why?

because today,
Today I got Roses.

I got Roses Today
and can you guess why?

it was because I earned it.

after I got shoved into the stove
it was just as he said.
And yes,
yes I learned.
I learned to cross him

is to decide to burn.
I learned I need to do

as I'm told and so:

I got Roses Today.

So beautiful
I could barely see

through the dark shades I'm forced to wear now
to hide this time what he gave to me.

a few kisses here and some on my cheek
after crowning me gently
with an apology ring.

and of course I said yes!
of course I went to pick out my dress!
and as you can plainly see....
everything will be
just the way it was

and everything will be ok

you'll see....

...because I got Roses Today.

I got Roses Today.

they were soooo beautiful against my chest.

thank goodness last night my fiance
gave me the gift of time

time to take some much needed beauty rest.

He is such a wonderful man to everyone
as wonderful as anyone can see

Today he kissed my hands and bent down to my ear
to tell me what to do
what to say
how to dress
how to act
even how to disappear

oh, the sweetest little things:

He told me my mama is crying out:

"get up!. wake up! please someboddddddyyyyyy!!!"

"wake up baby,
baby girl wake up please"

but I can't
I can't do this for you mama
I'm in love,

with all of the love he brings.

I got Roses.

just not today.
