

Hush now little one,
Can you hear it?
The deafening,delicate crunch of a leaf,
Dancing through the ghostly light of an early awakening,
the soft brillant colors
of which thing's die...
this season was not
one to be lived.

Hush now,
Can you hear it?
How quick the deafening roar of things long forgotten
rush back in,
a whirlwind of harsh
yet soothing voices reaching through damp cold air.

How is it little one?
How is it you have survived this long?
Dancing through this
dying time with
such elegance & grace
as if you float with the dying breeze of a summer past.

Hush now little one,
it will soon grip you,
soon the air you dance upon
will sway with you
in the darkest hour of the nights yet to come.

© SaraM