

Responding to intimidation
Why are you scared my dear
Just because you fear me
Why do you want to hide me
And prevent me to contact the other

You try to threaten me
In person and in open
Try to point the other is good
Just to make me feel I am less good

You try to hide my work
Under garb of collective work
Or pointing your connection to the work
More than the actual doer which is me

You prevent me from exhibiting
Any work that I take up
Or avoid pointing good things
Of the work that I take up

Your actions are only your fear
That the other may get recognized
And may threaten your position
Which for you is a petty life goal

Let me declare dear
My aim is not to be at the top
But to do my best in what I do
It’s the striving for satisfaction and excellence

I prefer to be a better human being
Than the meaningless positions
Which you want to retain for ever
For which you are oppressing the others

We are in two different destinations
My destination will never be the same as you
Hold on to your position
I will hold on to my values
© T Navin