

My other half
Budding through the experience of affection,
Appealing the wildest imagination,
Giving fulfillment to every expectation,
Connecting deeper into the complextion,
Alarming my conscious intention,
Furnishing the desire in our hearts into flavoured combination,
Uniquely nourishing my every system with endless expression,
Calming the sweetness within my concentration,
The love i can reason with in all kinds of occassion,
Triggering every promise to be of the finest sensation,
Strong enough to tear through the angles of reflection,
Its you who i wanna love without tire throughout this generation,
Dominating evenly with an endurance that lasts in every duration,
In your every presence ua tender touch restores joy without limitation,
I was never wrong when trust was greater than passion,
Cause in our tym frame is when our love is polished with inspiration,
The unique kind of love which administers memories in its full extension,