

We have done nothing wrong,
But u keep on mistreating us
U keep on bossing us around
U think we are unworthy to live
Do u think we are naive
to remain silent?

U meddle in our affairs,
Everything we own is yours
U think our culture is inferior
And yours so superior
Do u think we are naive
To remain silent?

U have tried to kill us
U really want us to vanish
U have created viruses to kill us
Made war with us to die all.
Do u think we are so naive
to remain silent?

No,we are not naive at all
We are just good at heart
We don't believe in revenge
We believe in peace and harmony
That's why we remain silent.

Dear superiors,we are not naive
We know what you have done
But we still welcome you with
open arms warmly
Because black is pure
Compared to the white superiors.

Maria Annet Nakaye