

When You Fall In Love For The First Time
When you fall in love
For the first time,
You become an eaglet falling off
It's nest unprecedentedly
An adventurer in a new world,
You know, like a lad
Enrolling in a kindergarten.
It puts to realization that
There is more to devise,
Than what the four corners
Of your home made known to you.

When you fall in love
For the first time,
You will discover that
There are gardens with
Beautiful flowers and deadly thorns,
Staying hand in hand.
It's usually beautiful initially,
But it's can also develop
To be like Mount Vesuvius,
Pouring out lava-like-words
And destroying everything in it's part.

When I first fell in love,
I became an eaglet,
Falling off it's nest.
An adventurer in a new world.
I crawled through gardens
As i wallowed the scent of flowers
Of love and romance,
And contemporaneously,
Got bruised by thorns of billing.
I became a lad enrolled
In a kindergarten,
And played by the foot of Vesuvius.
There I eyeballed the line
Between life and death
When it's lava almost
Squandered on me.

But nevertheless,
I still choose to love.
Or would you tell me
That life can actually
Have a meaning
Without loving

© Sodimu David