

In the darkness, where the shadows play
Shhhh don't say a sound, the devil's on his way
He's listening close, with ears so fine
Shhhh stay under, don't let him find

The silence is deep, the night is still
Shhhh don't whisper, don't make a thrill
The devil's ears are sharp, his eyes are bright
Shhhh stay hidden, until the morning light

In the silent depths, we'll hide and seek
From the evil that lurks, with a wicked shriek
Shhhh don't make a sound, or he'll find our place
In the silent depths, we'll hide our face

So let's be quiet, and still as can be
Shhhh don't say a word, just wait and see
If we're silent, and careful as can be
Shhhh the devil will pass, and we'll be free

We'll hold our breath, and stay concealed
From the devil's reach, and his wicked yield
Shhhh don't say a sound, until he's gone
And we can rise, into the morning sun

The darkness will fade, the light will shine
Shhhh don't say a word, until we're divine
We'll rise above, the evil and the pain
Shhhh and we'll find peace, in the silent reign

In the silence, we'll find our strength
Shhhh don't say a word, and we'll length
Our hearts will beat, with a steady pace
Shhhh and we'll find our place, in the silent space

The devil will roam, but he won't find
Shhhh don't say a sound, and we'll be aligned
With the power of silence, and the grace of might
Shhhh and we'll shine bright, in the silent light

In the silence, we'll find our voice
Shhhh don't say a word, and we'll make some noise
We'll rise up strong, and we'll make a stand
Shhhh and we'll take back, our rightful land

The devil will flee, and he'll hide his face
Shhhh don't say a word, and we'll find our place
In the silence, we'll find our way
Shhhh and we'll shine bright, every single day.