

I'm Sorry I Liked You
I'm sorry that I liked you,
I can't hide these feelings anymore,
Was I too obvious?
I'll never know, it's too late now,
I miss when you used to talk with me,
I miss when you used to laugh at my jokes,
I miss when you used to smile at my mistakes.

I'm sorry that I liked you,
I took a step toward you,
But I knew a step wasn't enough,
I needed to run,
As fast as I could,
But I hesitated,
And now you're gone.

I'm sorry that I liked you,
I don't know who to blame,
Do I blame you? Do I blame myself?
Who do I blame?
Were our timings off?
Was I the problem?
I'll never know, It's too late now.

I'm sorry that I liked you,
For us to stay friends, you are too beautiful,
For us to be lovers, I'm not enough.
I know I'll regret this.
I should've walked away,
I'm in too deep, I'm enchanted,
I don't know what to do.

I'm sorry that I liked you,
I wish I had never met you,
"You can't miss something you never had."
But you gave me hope,
You led me on,
Why did you hurt me?

I'm sorry that I liked you,
I'm sorry that I gave you my time,
And now, in the end, I'm the one hurt.
I saw you last on the subway,
Laughing with him,
You walk with him, hand in hand,
And I walk alone.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry I loved you.

© D.M Wright