

The Sickness... The Cure
A heart filled with pain, deceived by lies.
Feelings bitter and hard; hatred burning.
A flood of tears, giving her all red eyes.
Will the tide ever be turning?

Even though her heart, he has been destroying,
life seems so nice to him, he is still enjoying.
She is alone, all alone with a heart full of hurt.
She shouts it out loud, but remains unheard.

Lust for revenge, she finds in her heart;
making suffering and pain to be worse.
She wants peace, but where does she start;
all she feels, is hatred. It feels like a curse.

Then she prays for help and support from above,
for her lonely heart that seems to have lost all love.
Soon, the idea of forgiving seems to grow stronger.
She does not want to hate for much longer

Once she manages to forgive in her heart,
grief seems suddenly to start falling apart.
Tears may come back on and off,
but she becomes able to live, love and laugh

Truly the cure for a broken heart
begins when the forgiveness will start.
Whoever decides to keep hatred so strong
will continue to hurt and be bitter all along.

Hatred is like venom that prohibits one to live;
the antidote is to find it in our heart to forgive
© nachii. yobe