

In the quiet corners of the mind,
Where shadows and light entwine,
Lies the essence of our kind,
A tapestry of heart and time.

Joy bursts forth in brilliant hues,
A symphony of laughter’s song,
Yet sorrow’s shade, in somber blues,
Wanders through our nights so long.

Hope, a fragile, flickering flame,
Guides us through the darkest days,
While fear, a specter with no name,
Haunts the paths of our dismays.

Love’s tender touch, a gentle breeze,
Heals the wounds of bitter strife,
But anger’s fire, with ruthless ease,
Scars the soul and sears the life.

In every heartbeat, a story’s told,
Of dreams pursued, of tears concealed,
A human journey, brave and bold,
In every moment, truth revealed.

So let us cherish, deep and true,
The myriad feelings we behold,
For in each whisper, old or new,
The essence of our lives unfolds.

© faintest_pen