

wow life is like a boomerang
Life is like a boomerang
Its like you give (good) things
Guess what ?? Bad things are reflected back
Ive been through struggles in life
But i learnt that not everything means good in yourlife

You find friends who tend to smile on ur face
And laugh behind ur back
Thats why they say be careful who you share ur dreams to
Not everyone will be happy for you
I mean we all have been through a lot already

And no its not over
More challenges are coming
You will need to face them
Trust me running away is not an option
Cause challenges will always be part of life

There times to laugh and times to cry
Nd its okay its nature
Its like you studying very hard for a test
And you get there its either you confuse urself
Or you totally forget everything
Buh noo its only because you studied they day BEFORE

Thats why they say set goals
They'll inspire you to aim for the most high