

Whisper of Eternal Wisdom

In the depths of time, where wisdom resides,
Whispers echo gently, where truth abides.
Through ages past, their voices softly ring,
Guiding hearts and minds with wisdom's sting.

Wisdom whispers, a timeless serenade,
From sages and scholars, their teachings cascade.
Lessons learned, etched upon history's page,
They offer guidance for every wiser age.

In every whisper, a profound insight,
A flicker of truth, shining pure and bright.
Ancient words, woven with timeless grace,
Igniting minds, wisdom's embrace.

Through the ages, pearls of wisdom arise,
Like stars in the night, illuminating skies.
Whispers carry the secrets of the wise,
A sacred gift, they graciously comprise.

Listen closely to the whispers' gentle sound,
Let their wisdom and insight be unbound.
Open your heart, embrace their silent call,
In their hushed resonance, you shall stand tall.

For wisdom whispers, a balm for the soul,
An endless wellspring from which to draw.
And in their echoes, we find profound peace,
As their timeless wisdom will never cease.

So, let us heed the whispers of old,
Allow their wisdom to shape and mold.
For in their guidance, we shall find our way,
Oh, sweet whispers of wisdom, forever stay.

© Kyier mc
note: with the help of my friend Cici