

Rest in peace to those we lost
There is a war in my mind everyday I wake
Dragging me to the lowest of lowest
Who will come to my rescue, for goodness sake?
I can't take my mind off or this pain off my closet

Thoughts of fear, failure, death and what not
Lost a friend days ago, I saw him a day prior to his death
We shook hands and exchanged pleasantries
Now he's gone, his dreams are goals all gone

Death is nothing until it strikes close to you
The permanence of its strikes is even more hard to believe
A stain you can't erase, pain you can't heal from
I'll never see my friend again, last time it was my cousin
Now my friend, oh death all you bring is pain

Both my friend and cousin was not sick
They died healthy
It's hard to shake it off my mind
I'm sad I can't deny it, it's been struggles all my life
Now it's even more hurtful
Realising all could be lost in a sec
© Madeinafrica