

I’ve witnessed the fall,
I’ve predicted it all.
But the sight that was forced upon me
Made me question the “what will be”

The music, the feeling, it made you so contagiously happy
Then came the aftershock, realizing that you were just sloppy.
With the explanations, with your preaching
Yet when I opened my mouth, the brakes went screeching.

You’re wrong! I wanted to say
stop all the thinking, just feel and stay
With your feet on the ground,
Soul soaring towards the cloud.

Expand those roots, never stop moving
just try and sit still, try breathing.
In with your mind, out with your soul
stop your hand, you don’t need another bowl.

It’s so pure and yet so foggy
force the fire and you just feel groggy.
Where’s the patience? Where’s the precision?
The hard-working girl that made the decision?

To survive, to persevere against all odds,
now trying to justify the drugs with your stops.
The feeling of ephiphany, it’s so phony
using the chemicals 'cuz you feel lonely.

That is not the way, that is not it!
you became the demon from my past, every last bit!
My heart broke for you, for the connection I felt,
it strained and then snapped, like the sound of a belt.

This journey exceeded all expectations,
a chemical trip with no regulations.
I saw the skeleton in the mirror,
my instinct pointing at the fucking error.

The error of your ways, your approach.
Greed, what an immortal cockroach.
Try to stomp it out with all your will,
maybe you’ll be able to pay the bill.

The price you’re paying,
with you body swaying.
Acid flowing in your veins,
long lost are the reins.

And your lack of humility
is what’s wrong with humanity.
So eager, you’re the queen,
but you know what those white lines mean.

You lost control, you’re in denial
your future, pending trial.

© Darali May