

The Iron Lady
You come from a lineage of go-getters,
With a never-give-up attitude,
Your understanding, love, kindness, and support,
Have an impact of immeasurable magnitude.

Having mother who was,
The epitome of love and innocence,
Father, the breaker of patriarchy,
Shunning the common norms with abhorrence.

Gave you a clear conscience,
And the stoic courage to roar,
Still you sacrificed everything for me,
When you could have spread your wings to soar.

You modified your aspirations,
To maintain the peace - a hefty fee,
But unknowingly in this process,
Taught me to never bend the knee.

You are now the lioness of your kingdom,
Fierce protector of your realm,
Like the valiant captain of a ship,
Bearing down at its helm.

The centre of our world,
The backbone of our family,
Playing the balancing act,
So that all can live happily.

You never complain of your pains,
Nor let me sense any of your troubles,
Have paved the path for a finer me,
Holding my hand in all my struggles.

May you be blessed with immortality,
And as selfish as it may sound,
For with you is my very essence and being,
So very strongly bound.

I hope I can be half as good as you,
Braving through every storm,
For you my dear,
Are the iron lady - my dearest mom!

© Prachi Shukla - The Untamed