

No fight is easy,
It doesn't matter whether it's for the right or wrong
It's never easy,
At times you get hit with choosing from what's right and what is easy,
Sacrificing several things no one knows of,
The feeling of just giving up,
The feeling of existing and not living,
People telling you what to do, how it's done, when it's done, where it's done,
At times the feeling of isolating yourself from the whole world,
For a moment just for some peace and calmness.

Getting knocked down over and over again,
Without waiting for anyone you stood up,
On your two feet continued the journey
Friends and families becoming strangers,
Strangers becoming friends,
At times the only support you had you might loose,
For people don't last forever,
Through abandonment or death those people will leave,
Only the feelings you shared remain.

Like travelling in a transportation bus,
Finding yourself meeting people already in the bus when you entered,
You will be in whiles others get in and others get down,
Some you will enter with and get down with or some will get down before you do,
You will...