

Without Me
How far can you really go without me?
Is it just a mile or farther beyond the seas!
Wouldn't it be the cloudd that you're gonna grasp
Or it's just after some steps that you're gonna lapse?
Will you simply not go far beneath that ground,
Or that, you merely wanna walk and then turn around?

How far can you truly dream without me?
Would it be a flicker or a fairytale it might be!
Ain't it gonna be warmer than the sunsets we had dreamt,
Or would it fairly be staler than the winters you'd spend?
Are you gonna see a sky full of stars when the twilight bangs,
Or would you yet wanna wait for that touch of my hands?

How far can you still feel without me?
Is it gonna be grief or some even finer glee!
Would you still meet the courage to love once more,
Or will you forever hold a heart, yet sensitive and sore?
Are you gonna feel the life all the same as today,
Or would you miss me by your side as it may?

Well, how far can you really go without me?


#writco #Poems #love #MERAISHQ #meraishq