

Hey there...
I know you're hurting
I know it's hard
And it's so sad
I know,cause I also lost all I had
Maybe yours is way bad
But in all,they both drive us mad
Am so sorry
That every night you worry
Every day you pretend
Till the days end
Am sorry it hurts
Am so sorry no one sees your cuts
Am so sorry you feel lost
Sorry you crumble to dust
Every one loves their own space
But sometimes you need to move from a place
I know you don't like to be alone
You can hide it,by always being on your phone
But in your eyes,the pain is shown
Am sorry I can't help much
But hating yourself,I won't let you do such
I know you're breaking
The world keeps taking
More problems life keeps making
Am sorry you feel this way
Am sorry you break every day
Am sorry I don't know what to say
Am sorry...
I know it's not enough
I know it's not much
Am sorry I can't help
Am sorry you have to stay alone in that darkness
Am sorry, cause I know how bad it hurts
Am sorry cause I can't do much to seal your cuts
