

Hurt In Love
I don't want to be the one for you
I don't want to love you or hate you
help you when you hurting
Be there when leaving too

Fact remains I already do
I love you so much I hate you
I hate you so much I love you
When you hurt, I break
When you leave, I stay

Waiting patiently for your return
Cause you always come back
Only this time you never did
And I wallow in self pity

Love would find you when you hurt
Yet in love most get hurt
Truth in fact I too see
And that begs a question

How deep must one be in love,
To get hurt
How long must one stay in hurt,
To find love

Questions my heart asked
Another set of questions unanswered
How is love to be safe
When I got hurt in love

© Dena's_poetry