

A Thought Of Tomorrow...
The door to tomorrow,
Opens in the shadows of today,
So brush aside the path of sorrow,
And make your way
A tomorrow with thinking today
Tomorrow in what it will bring
But assurance of one thing
Tomorrow is going to come
I am not certain I will even see tomorrow
But I won’t cast a shadow being sorrow
Tomorrow will be a day unseen
Yet the soul must be clean
Tomorrow is a horizon full of anticipation
To some, it might even be a question
Goals will be set
Achievements in the works that will be met
The sunrise opening of eyes to the new day
Praise in words one would say
Expectations the entire way
Yet tomorrow hopping to be yet in the number
The night before I was able to slumber
I would be good to be living among
But every day living is the Lord to look upon
Tomorrow’s surprise with another day being wise
An opportunity where one advises
A journey where one travels
A vision where one sees
A tomorrow one thought would never come.
© marlenworks