

young with big dreams
young and timid,
aged upon reasoning,
done with roles of a boy,
let them animals search,
for better pastures...
by them selves,
as we nature,our greener side
and lighten this lamb,
on a one stroke attempt,
at 7s and our vision is unclear.

fighting a battle every day
Against our social anxiety
Some stands always in the way
for the fear of everyone’s judgment
The path ahead is never clear,
I have an idea of what I want to be,
am not going to be a shepherd,
of my fathers heritage,
but i want to feed from,
the side where gdreams s greener.

We were raised so different
in backgrounds of our own
but we only choose
to have hope and laughter
We will not march back
to what it was,but move to what shall be,,
We will not be turned
or interrupted by intimidation
because we know our inaction
and inertia will be the inheritance
of our next generation.

For there is only light
if we're brave enough to see it
if we're brave enough to be it
waking out of slumber,
forgetting all the folks,
and living the reality of life,
where it bends and rises,
the tides and ocean sways,
wont make us go astray,
from what our dreams are.

© 🩸...JB...🩸