

The Heart Is Evergreen.....
The heart is evergreen,
But the road to it is less travelled,
Most often the head takes over the heart,
And we swirl in the whirlpool of thoughts,
The heart is the space,
Where aliveness reigns,
The ground where love blooms,
Spreading its fragrance doing away with gloom,
To live each moment is to go with the heart,
Embracing life gleefully on the path,
The heart is like the clear blue sky,
Sans thoughts like clouds drifting by,
The heart simply throbs with life,
Sending out good vibes,
To live life is to live from the space of the heart,
To merely exist is to dwell in thoughts,
The heart is spontaneous and childlike,
Sans the working of the conditioned mind,
Staying centered in the heart is the key,
To a joyful living in glee,
Yet we walk the way of the mind,
With thoughts of baffling kinds,
Shying away from the evergreen road,
Of the heart which we have hardly strolled!

© The Silent Writer

Photo by Dmytro Tolokonov on Unsplash

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