

Blossoms of Wisdom: Unveiling Taboos in the Garden of Education
Sex education is important 🙏🏻
It's a taboo in India and other parts of the world too unknown to us. I hope one day people will start talking about it without any shame.
In shadows cast by veils of hush,
A subject whispered, kept in the blush.
Taboos cling to knowledge untold,
Yet within, seeds of wisdom unfold.

In classrooms veiled with awkward air,
Where ignorance weaves its binding snare,
A plea for truth, an open door,
To navigate the mystery, explore.

Let not the whispers bind the mind,
For in understanding, we unbind,
The stigma that wraps around desire,
Igniting flames of knowledge's fire.

Taboo, a word that shackles free,
Yet education, the master key,
Unlocks the doors of understanding,
In the sacred space where hearts are landing.

Anatomy, consent, the language of respect,
In the garden of awareness, intellect is erect.
Let syllables dance, let diagrams speak,
Breaking the silence, making the bold weak.

For in the light of information's grace,
The shadows flee, leaving no trace.
Empower the minds, untangle the thread,
Of notions woven in secrets dread.

Let syllables bloom like petals in spring,
A symphony of voices, let them sing,
Of bodies, boundaries, and sacred connection,
In the realm of knowledge, the ultimate protection.

So, let the taboo be gently erased,
As education's banner is proudly embraced.
In the garden of learning, let seeds be sown,
For a world enlightened, compassionately grown.

© Zindagi_sona
