

Starry Eyes
Written by S.A.Y.

Stare into the eyes and behold
Behold the Soul that the eyes show
That little light that shines oh so bright,
The pinecone-shaped diamond in disguise that glows tenfold.

Behold the beauty of eternity,
And the tragic journey to the End
Not of the earth, not of the universe, but of the search, for the True End cannot be unearthed.

We are balls of energy inside fleshy Temples
Temples built by Yah, The Most Highest God.
We are so much more than we think we are, so much more than we are told
So behold, behold the glorious Spirit in you, changing your mental is a step closer to the Truth.

Behold, such Truth, beautiful and ugly, a match made in Heaven, the horrid and the lovely.
Come with me, search with me, love with me, hurt with me, cuddle me, punch me, show me that you love me.

I lay on rooftops and stare into Starry Eyes, a bit of lye in my eye but I don't cry.
There is no need, for the gorgeous and magnificent skies guide me through a tumultuous life.

As we breathe, more stars breed, moving at spectacular speeds, our lives are breeding grounds for dreams, and every good opportunity and every day are to be seized.

Goodbye, I'll see you in the next dream.

© S.A.Y.