

A Dream 😴
Oh! l'm dreaming of a day
When freedom will be held on the streets.

I'm dreaming of a day
When Babes won't cry but smile.

l'm dreaming of a day
When nations won't go to war but peace.

l'm dreaming of a day
When equality of all races will be a reality not a tale.

l'm dreaming of a day
When humans will save mother Earth from dying not pulling her down.

l'm dreaming of a day
When Religion won't be a source of conflict.

l'm dreaming of a day
When divorce and single parenting will be history.

l'm dreaming of a day
When man will forgo Technology and embrace Crude ways

l'm dreaming of a day
When poverty,death and vain competition t'will vanish.

Oh! When shall this be?😢
© Mr Line