

I gaze in the mirror and what face do I see.
But that of a broken man staring back at me.

The seasons of this life has left me weathered and worn.
There are days when I wish I was never born.

Forgive me for I know that my life is a gift.
This emotional sandstorm often sends my feelings adrift.

For a long time cracks in the mirror were all I could see.
Turns out all those cracks were actually me.

I know I am blessed in so very many ways.
But anxiety will rear its ugly head on any given day.

Sometimes my mind races long into the night.
Then I’m ready to sleep at the first sign of light.

I don’t have a chemical imbalance or PTSD.
But fear of stupid bullshit will often paralyze me.

Don’t you worry about me and my personal plight.
Because the man in the mirror is ready to fight...

© B. D. Caissie