

Seasons in her Soul

Perverted Breezes
She is that air
that becomes
a whirlpool.
flows into life
where every moment is passion.
She is that breeze that leaves
exciting essences and aromas.
Or that current
that leaves chills
with every kiss and caresses.
She is that murmur
that whisper words
and moans full of desires.
She is that perverted wind
that drives you crazy.
Who creates a hurricane in her world.

Water and Their words

Words that flow like water.
Who finds oceans full of secrets.
Those words that are like rain
who make a gray world.
A river that runs without destination.
Or a delicate, tense and fragile water drop.
Each breath is a moan where the words let go of
their holy waters.
Those liberal words that runs like water.
Where every tear and
every drop of sweat sheds
into a new path of oceans.

Winter of Lust
Gray day, snow falls,
reflecting the soul.

A cold soul Waiting
to be provoked,
to awaken.

She waits
Like the icy crystal, delicate and hard.
A cold face hiding summer’s sheen.

a flicker, a touch, a subtle smile
She is snow who melts
with luminosity
with fire
She is an intense winter.

#nature #whispers #seasons #her

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