

I go where the sun moves
Letting things go from me
Waking up with new feelings
Jumping down the circumstances
Where I can feel myself?

Atlast, it's me again
Who cares about myself
When everything moves apart
I can sense myself through the paths.

No one can bring me back
As I flow with the race of the society
I just lost myself everyday
Why can't I stay as I am?

Chasing the roads
Where can I find my paths?
I have both the routes to move
But, where can I find myself?

I can find myself within me
I never received any happiness
I be myself with the air of breathing
I rather win nor loose
But, whatever I get I accept it.

Spacing myself from the circumstances
I get into the peace of breathing
Wherever I go, I am the one who is with me
I cherish myself as I am
Why does the quarrels of the society affects me?
- Renuga R P