

This is forever Goodbye!!!
I cried today, bc I needed you, but this is nothing new, as well as I did yesterday, and the days before too.

I ask the good lord, for some kind of understanding, too make sense of all of this.

I just can't seem too get it, where, and when did thing's go wrong,

we were two peas and a pod, like bonnie, and clyde. everything in life, right or wrong. we did it together.

we always had each others back, never seen one of us, without the other. that was just how it was.

we were perfect for one another. wherever I lacked, you picked up the slack, vise versa.

we completed one another, supported each other through the good, and the bad.

you promised me forever, I believed you. I thought I knew the real you.

reality is I didn't have a clue. I fell for your lies, made up excuses for all your wrong doings.

you did me wrong, I forgave you, way too many times. I
was never enough for you.

I not only have to suffer with a brokenheart, but my self esteem, and pride is now gone.

I fear ever loving again, let alone trusting another man. I wish you knew the pain I suffer everyday.

it hurts more than words could ever explain. why did thing's end this way.

I miss us, and the way things used too be, the way you once needed me, like I needed you.

I don't wish this on another human being, I don't regret us, I just wish we would have never met.

loving you has left me forever crushed, something I'll never forget.

it's now in the past, I hope the grass on the other side was greener, and worth it.

bc I will never accept less than I deserve, ever again, been a nightmare from hell.

sadly you will one day face your karma, but you only brought it on yourself.

I feel bad for you, I never want anyone to hurt, but you get what you deserve.

I was so weak, before I met you, but you gave me strength I never knew I had.

I'm now stronger than I've ever been, and have learned to never settle for less, knowing I deserve way more. good luck.

By: Elizabeth Smith!!!

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