

Father’s Appraisal.

1. It is amazing how hard he works!

To complete his family’s task in cheerful perks,

With fierce his offprings descended the steepy vallies to end their journeyworks,

Hurray to all Fatherhood!
He entered into the ghastly world without fear;

This made his family’s heart to tear

And within their minds, so unclear,

But father’s sweat brought happiness and smiley cheer

Through his might, his strength surpasses that of the bear,

His absence causes hunger and stair,

But his presence bring calmness amid fiery upstair,

His death causes children’s to be hopeless and despair,

Having no one to fix their tattered future which is beyond repair.

2. The man walks by faith and not by sight,

And his tiredness labour is geared to solve the family’s plight,

This makes the darky future of his children so bright,

Without him, his children walks without sight

As if they’ve been deprived of light!

Cos bringing smiles on their faces is father’s exclusive right

And his arrival halts life’s battles that his children intend to fight.

He had stunning ideas which unearth his brilliance,

This caused his children to see light at the end of their tunnel for the sake of their father’s radiance,

Cos his bonds with his family exceeds that of Europeans and their alliance,

Jump for joy! Cos his services are faster than the a nation’s ambulance,

No wonder you are mummy’s perfect balance!

3. He is the head and acts on earth as Christ’s deputy!

Shaping his mind and soul to regal beauty,

But God has given him toilsome duty

To feed his family with no bread available;

That’s why he disciplines us but his heart is kind and feeble,

He provide our necessities and made himself accessible,

He proves his paternal plume by being pragmatic and adaptable,

Oh👏, the hallmark of managerial prowess, making him sensible!

Cos sometimes his sadness is without limit, seeming impossible
Triggering him to work “double double”

Cos he believes with God, his task is still doable.

His awareness in preparation for the future makes him proactive,

He never pampered them whenever his children were scornful and abusive,

Yet his zeal for service made fatherhood so attractive!

4. Well done, ayekoo to all upcoming and already fathers!

Continue the good works like your forefathers,

May God carry you on His wings and hide you within His feathers,

This will save your children’s unyieldingness and empower them in their predicaments

In order for your children to triumph over life’s hectic tournaments,

Cos our victory is under the tutelage of father’s spirit and physical embodiments,

With this, he begs His Maker for more life to conquer upcoming sorrow,

Making his family cry out, “Lord bless my father’s table today and tomorrow!”

Else he will be tattered and will go about asking for alms or borrow,

And this will downcast his family’s fate in a murky hollow.

So, fly him over his limits like the sparrow

And for his children’s sake, bless fathers to accomplish their quest,

By cushioning him to a new lease to be his family cheerful guest,

Free and save father’s from the hands of the bamboozled women and their test,

So with this, I pray you handle their shortcomings and sort their worst,

As you make fathers resilient in their desire to weave their family’s nest,

Make this day a mark of blessing their Father's products to deliver to their maximum best.

Happy Father’s Day to all fathers across the globe, north & south, east and west. 🌬️🕴️👴🧓👨🧑👨‍👦‍👦☀️☀️

© EmmaKay