

Under The Lone Star. (Pandora : A Maverick's Requiem)
Oh, here you are again, ye faithful reader,
Have you come to sate your starving mind?
Did you miss this descent into madness?
Did you come to unravel the feelings tugging at your heart?
Did they take from you again?
Leaving you drained and angry, doubtful and conflicted,
Wondering why you let them do it to you, so you sit there,
Under the lone star, beer in hand,
Looking through my veins, sifting through my innards,
For my words are my flesh,
These consonants clusters, are my bones,
And these pages holds an embrace for your tattered souls,
Have you come to sit with me at this table?
And share this incense of bitter myrrh,
To purge the hate through your nostrils,
And let my words be the catalysts,
That let's you force the impurities to seep out,
And these feelings you hate, to be bled out,
Have you learned now? Are you a little bit wiser?
Or do you need the company of these words,
Like I need the bottoms of these bottles,
Like I need me to be my own therapist,
To show me why I loved the stars,
And remind me why I loved my friends,
The friends who would bleed for me like I would for them,
The sworn brothers I've made,
Who are like appendages I'd rather not do without,
Or these good women that I don't deserve,
Ye sullen reader, be not too sombre,
For in this moment, you're a character in my story,
Pay attention, and follow me down the tunnels,
That are hidden in this scroll, follow the path lined,
With my bones, see these doors that lead to,
Uncharted worlds and see yourself in these mirrors,
See the infinity in you, do you see how limitless you are?
Do you see how small you make these celestial bodies seem?
Why oh why do you seem surprised?
Does this feel like a descent into madness or woe?
Did you see what you were searching for?
Did you like sitting under the lone star?.

© The boy who raged, 1683.

I'd like to say I was thinking while I wrote, but that'd be a lie... I promised all I'd do with this anthology was feel, and shove my feelings and thoughts into lines, no matter how chaotic they are... That's what this will continue to be... Thank you for engaging...