

Why are you after my soul?
I ran far away from you
But you keep haunting me
You keep reminding me of how desperate i am
You remind me of how much i crave for love
You keep taunting me

Why are you taunting me?
Has this been your plan all along?
Did you make me to meet him to leave me again.
Did you make me believe her when she said im here to stay for her to leave me again.
Because you knew i would wait for the ones i love.
And that's when you come for my soul.
You remind me of my foolishness.
You remind me of how i thought i have found my person.
Of how i thought i have found my people.
What a fool!
Aren't you sick of this routine?
No one loves you.
They will hold you for a day and let go the next day.
It was foolish of you to think this was different.
This is to remind you everyone has left.
They would always leave .

I'm looking around
Trying to see if i would find anyone
I can't find him.
I can't find her.
I can't find anyone.
Where are my friends
Where is my love
Where are my family
Where's everyone!

Falling down to my knees
I'm so sick of this!
Staring at loneliness in the face
Tears filled with shame
Embracing loneliness
"You are right
You would always be here
You never left
You are my fate.

~lisa xoxo