

Purity of love..
In love's gentle embrace, purity resides,
A sacred bond where hearts confide.
It's a melody played in whispers soft,
A dance of souls, aloft.

In eyes that gleam with tender light,
In hands that hold through darkest night,
Love's purity shines, steadfast and true,
A beacon guiding both me and you.

It's found in the laughter of a child,
In the touch of a hand, gentle and mild.
In moments shared, both big and small,
Love's purity envelops us all.

It knows no bounds, no barriers, no lies,
It's the truth that echoes in lovers' sighs.
It's the warmth that fills an empty space,
A divine gift, bestowed with grace.

So let us cherish this love so pure,
Let it guide us through life's uncertain lure.
For in its embrace, we find our peace,
A timeless bond that will never cease.

© Priyadharshan Soundar Rajan