

Road Less Travelled
What does it mean to be a road less travelled?
      Does it mean it is less valued then others or...perhaps;
     is it more valued beyond explanation?

A sacred path only the astray travel, lost in a forest that's rarely looked upon by mortal eyes?

A path that opens simply for those who do not look yet will happen upon it, miles away from the beginning yet closer to their destination.

Is a road less traveled just a path others have failed to map, or is the path ever changing to those who travel upon its immortal beauty, grateful to those who do not threaten to blaze a fire through her ever changing limbs.

Tell me? Is it just a path others tell us about in hopes we do not give up on a seemingly feeble pothole filled road, that we believe ends in a cliff, an unknown fate that is as mandatory, as it is, unplanned?

Or is it in hope that we can continue to find new light in a path that's long been worn down by those who have walked before us?
That we continue to try and break a never ending cycle that has killed far more than it has saved.

A road less traveled is not an unmapped place, it is simply a path that arises in the midst of chaos yet remains to show us the beauty in a unpredictable wilderness.

© SaraM