

A Black Cat
How did it go again?
Oh I remember
Black cats are bad luck
I had the blackest of cats before
In my younger years
My family saw the cat and wondered
What should we name it?
I think we should name it Kuro
Kuro in Japanese mean black
And nine
Everyone hates the number nine
But we didn't care
I remember when Kuro broke a plate
But they thought it was me
This happened so many times
I was always blamed
One day a group came to the our house
They had guns and knives
The black cat was going somewhere
I followed him
It was a secret place under the house
When I followed him I heard yelling
I was gonna see what was going on
But Kuro looked at me
Since I was scared I followed Kuro
It was like a cavern with views of the sky
I just looked up at the sky
Kuro sat in my lap and we went to sleep
As we woke up we went back up
When we went back up
Iт шаs silent
Then I saw blood
Lots of blood
I got into the room and I was scared
My family шаs dеаd
It took me a second to realize but
Kuro saved me
After that I was taken as a foster
With Kuro
Even though my family died
I couldn't feel any emotion
Everytime someone died
I felt nothing
Maybe because Kuro was there by me
I was happy
To me, life was good
© Diavolo