

The compassion of the inanimate
Albeit beautiful, it's foreign
A strange touch of a warm breeze
The silence of an unfamiliar town, was not haunting,
It was serene
You inhale the purity of nature, a deep breath, disrupted by the stench of faint poisons
yet nothing takes away from the comforting stasis
The grace of silence
an empathetic silence
"living doesn't need to be complicated"- the corners of the empty streets speak
No it wasn't a soothing motherly touch?
It was a foreign ambiance
yet nostalgic
Yet felt like home
'The compassion of the inanimate' - you name it.

could you imagine such a simple beauty?

Now could you treat your mind as such.
As a foreign town, where the little toxic poisons are ignored to focus on a rather tranquil scene.
Escape from your mind and create your own foreign town.
build those little trees, to lay in their comforting shadows.

© shahrazad