

Dark Peace
Dark are these times,
Like the dark corners of my thoughts.
Are my thoughts dark, or is it just what I see?
For far too long, it's been us pronouncing the decree.
Now dark is the Sun,
Nothing shines and everything rots.
The locusts are in swarms,
Pushing us into the storms.
The deluge of humanity,
With it's greed, and all the vanity.
Our selfish selves and the sanely dressed insanity.
The acerbic rush for power and an ever widening avarice,
The lack of empathy and the diatribe of politics.
Where do we stand now?
Fearful of death and scooped up in our hole.
The death, for all else, we happily used to dole.
All the beauty we create, all a ruse for our greed.
There is so much we pillage, far more than we need.
All the wars we fight, and the constant religious gripe.
Now that we are smashed, hurled to the ground,
Do you get that we are nothing, but two fools alike?
What citizens are we? What nation do we belong to?
Does death have a border or attributes we can demarcate to?
The wealth, the filth and inequalities we have made,
The lands, the seas and the air we have pillaged.
Decimated our own and several of others,
Exterminated species, and not just our brothers.
Look what this has done,
Look what we have brought!
Our systems corrupt,
And our souls wrought.
It's not the disease that's killing us.
It's us, who are the disease.
Killing off everything,
In our quests which never seem to cease.
We create Gods, and that too of our kind.
We claim our superiority, because of our mind.
It's our mind that has led us here,
While our souls are filled with malice.
Let us watch the culling begin,
The cost we bear for our butchery and avarice.
My thoughts aren't dark,
It's the world, dark as moonless seas.
We have committed our follies,
Now, it's time to pay and get on our knees.

#humanity #nature #compassion #greed #lives #lockdown #coronavirus #ThoughtsInMind @natehc