

Heaven in Him
His beauty from within,
Radiated rays of true love...
Penetrated my Soul,
Showering hope...
Instilling desire.

His face, calm like a lake,
With colour, so divine...
Eyes that speak a million words...
His bald head,
Bold enough for my heart.

His lips waited impatiently,
To measure every inch of me...
Cunningly he pulls back,
Knowing well enough,
Once started,
Won't retreat that quickly.

His voice,
authoritative...very masculine,
His whispers hugged me closer...
Than any song ever could.

I could imagine Love, That day...
When the hair on your chest,
Will embrace my breasts....
His strong fingers,
Assuring the tender me..on the way..
"My love...I am with you always ".
-Anjali Krishnan

© Anjali Krishnan