

I haven't forgotten
As I sit and watch the sky
there is a lot unfolding in my mind
distressing thoughts that don't lie
As the day turns to night

I want to leave so much behind
to walk freely without this thoughts
to face new days with all behind
as though you never existed

As I watch the sky from the window
I'm like an audience of my past lives
even as I watch from afar, I feel low
I still feel the pain from the knives
as you rip my heart out

As much as I want to, I haven't forgotten
in my unspoken thoughts, I remember
I have the vivid descriptions of many events
as I watch the night unfold at this moment
there is a lot that breaks my heart, yet again

I haven't forgotten, I have this moments
where it all creeps in
uncontrollably, I hear the screams
awakening the past within
the carcasses, the pains

As I watch the sky from the window
I haven't forgotten how I bled
in the eyes of those I was taught to love
as I eagerly wait for the moon to show
in the hope to forget my past troubles for a while longer

© Fidy♡