

Some People
All the empty times that you cared
All the tears that we so wept
All the times that we so shared
All the promises I kept

My regrets were my own
Then why was I so stupid
For I should have known
Why some people's hearts are not so lucid

For those some people a manifestation of lies
Two faces with masks
So when your reputation dies
In it that sinister face basks

For your memory does not evaporate
It's rotten to the core
For some people so clearly demonstrate
By leaving your heart tore

For they'll make fun and they'll laugh
Crocodile tears they may too cry
For when they leave your heart half
Your only left asking why

Why is the closest one your hardest fall
Why does nothing hold behind that glass wall
Only ashes remain as I pretend to stand tall
Only tears hold when on some people you call