

My confession to My past
You were supposed to....
Hold my hand
Lend me your shoulder to lean on
Support me whilst I stand
Cry when I cry
Give me an open ear to my troubles
Smile at me wholeheartedly
Kiss me tenderly everyday
Speak to me with a full heart
Always be by my side

We promised
You promised

But the last truth you ever told me was a dagger through my already broken heart

Time went with melancholy
Your gaze became needles
Your touch turned cold
The affection seeped out from our lives when we were together
And I blame you

I lost myself in your abyss
You pushed me down to hell
I wandered about, forlorn and miserable
My efforts to repair the broken parts were fruitless
And I became utterly ruined beyond repair

You once told me I was a regret
But you know what?
I was endlessly glad
Because I knew that
That way, I would live longer in you.

© Demmijay