

A call in the dark
A voice,
calls out to me.
throughout the day.
And more vigorously,
in the stillness,
and quiet,
of the night.
The voice,
seems to be coming,
from inside.
I'm not sure if the voice is mine.
unsure if I'm talking to myself.
for there are no real words,
being spoken.
am I,
and my inner self,
I guess it depends,
on what the voice is saying.
If the voice,
was asking me to hurt myself or others.
I would know,
that that is not me.
Not my style,
or personality.
But the voice,
is doing the exact opposite.
It is telling me,
to help as many as you can.
Anyway you can.
as often as you can.
This voice tells me to believe in my fellow man.
To believe,
that under the right conditions,
we can overcome,
all negativity.
The voice tells me,
we must never give up.
Never stop surviving.
Never stop,
loving and thriving.
To climb higher,
in our aspiring.
To aim higher,
with our wishes.
to be righteous and proper,
in our actions.
To fight against tyranny and oppression.
To resist socioeconomic suppression.
To teach and educate,
about the power,
of positive thinking.
And blessings.
This is its message.
And I,
am listening,
and repeating.
Hoping that this distracted world,
can hear me.
but remember,
that I.
Am just a vessel,
and a messenger.
for there is no I.
we the people,
who are suffering.
From corrupt,
political and financial,
We the people,
whose blood sweat and tears,
are shed while working.
Yet having,
little to show for our labor.
We all must call out,
to our peers,
families and neighbors.
In an attempt to stop,
and vote against,
these criminal political capers.
Monopoly makers.
Fascist overtakers.
And oligarchs of wealth.
For they deny us,
our dues.
Our rightful equity,
and truth.
For the truth is,
the world will not run,
without the people.
We have been sidetracked and hijacked.
And reduced to batteries.
To be used and be useful.
For those in power.
Who manipulate and water down,
the freedoms that we are kin,
and accustomed to.
That were passed down by the Creator.
in their purity.
But when watered down,
they create confusion and uncertainty.
oppression addiction and poverty.
must stop what is happening.
Hear this voice,
of sincerity.
calling out from the dark.
As we,
behind the lines,
of the enemy.
To sabotage,
and reveal.
their lies and deceit.
The illusions they perpetuate and repeat.
We hope the people will hear,
and one day see.
The world for what it really is.
A prison.
For slaves,
of an industrial complex.
Read between the lines,
and put it all,
in context.
and understand.
because it is complex.
Freedom is not free.
and freedom does not come.
without us all,
standing tall.
to combat this.
Peace and blessings,
to all,
the righteous.

© Joseph harris