

Your Caliph, My Love
Come with me, friend
As I speak to your ears
The tale of a companion

What a man
Born into falsehood
Yet, within was the purest of hearts
His soul and mind
Met with the truth
Shut to ignorance
Never to walk that path again

What bravery
Hidden he never was
Filtering his words not
In the face of adversity
They were met with such a look
A face emitting courage

What sense of justice
Void of personal vendettas
Neither for himself, nor his relation
Rather for the people
So beautiful, his name was
The Criterion
Looking at both sides from afar
Never being a part of one himself

What love
For Islam, he tirelessly fought
Under his rule
The truth spread wide
For the Prophet, he wept
What a shocking loss
Came to terms, Al-Farooq did
For his people, he lead
Through hardship and ease
Where was he, owning the famous title,
Commander of the Faithful
He lies ahead of you, take a look
Shocked and out of words, they asked,
Is this whom kings fear?
Yes indeed, he's our beloved Caliph
Such was his humble nature

What character
Stern yet loved by many
The fear of the people
Quenched by his inner self
Smart like his predecessor
A smart choice, As-Siddiq made
Seeing the heart others could not
Complementing and being complemented
Such was Ibn Al-Khattab

Your ears have been blessed
Hearing the tale of this caliph
Hated by the wrongly guided
Revered by the believers
Respected by the open-minded
© thekhan
Day 003/100