

Communication Breakdown
Delivery pending it's coming today
Feeling so happy it's heading my way
Loaded my car to visit the tip
all sorts of rubbish really needed a skip
Slot at two thirty, that came and went
Cancelled the tip booking , messages sent
Rescheduled for tomorrow, well that's my intent.
Please give me an idea, I'm starting to resent .
Phoned company for the third time to get an update
Driver might not make it as time's getting late
Tacho hours limited, so sorry mate
Could arrive tonight at six or tomorrow from eight
Not good enough really as my car's full of crap
Sitting here freezing, wall's got a gap
Communication breakdown that's certainly right
Still another hour left for delivery tonight Fingers crossed and praying with all of my might
Driving me crazy, knuckles gone white.

© The Imposter 💚🙏