

My Heart Is A Highway
I don't know when my love for stories
has ended up this way;
I only know that tales and words
give me joy everyday;

There's love and battle, sadness, joy,
dragons and magic wands;
And all emotions are passersby
entering this heart of mine;

As long as I have stories
I guess I will be fine,
So I never really bothered to have
emotions wrap my heart;

All the times that I read and watch
and see stories unfold,
I feel emotions I wouldn't feel
even if I live to be a hundred old;

It is enough that feelings are fleeting
in the lines of the books I read,
In the words of the characters in films
when love just passes through;

I guess my heart is but a highway
where feelings couldn't stay;
Without a parking lot, they keep going
in such a rush everyday;

Stories make my heart so busy
with thousand emotions everyday;
But still it gets too cold and empty
come late night day by day.

© nabinara