

A Play
It is a winding road,
with twists and turns,
Full of mountains to climb and bridges to burn.
It's a garden in bloom,
with flowers of every hue,
Growing and changing,
through the seasons anew.
It's a ship on the ocean,
tossed by the waves,
With storms to weather and ports to pave.
A journey,
with no map or guide,
A mystery to unravel,
as we take each stride.
It's a game of chess,
with endless strategy,
Where we make our moves,
with humility.
A book,
with endless pages to pen,
A story to write,
again and again.
It's a theater, where we take the stage,
With our lines and cues,
as the curtain enrages.
It is a journey,
that we all must take,
With joy and sorrow,
love and heartache.
But with each step we take,
and each breath we draw,
We shape our own story,
in this grand play called Life♥️.
© @Å_12