

It shall be well
It shall be well,
All we need is our shell,
I speak for my friends and those with me in those halls,
Those toxic and criminologist are those with the victim of such metabolic act,
Gambling our sweat, efforts, exertion and the so called struggle,
And even trick our Jungle.

Failure or saviour for god sake?
None can really tell,
All they do is just fake,
Changing our destiny into Zero,
How do someone become a hero, - when all our sweat and efforts been sold as Euro,
And allow those fool object reflect in our mirror,
I'm sure this is good for none,
Because it ache our brains and numb our minds,
It bleed our hearts, grind our souls and wreck our thoughts,
But one-day that monk will be caught,
All we need it shall be well.

It shall be well.
It shall be well for the unjust and guilt,
The fragile and the strong,
The smart and brave,
Old and young,
All shall be soonly well amongst.

O yes! it shall be well,
For those with aims and future minded,
For those with goals, dreams and good intended,
It shall be well for those with faith,
It shall be well for those with massive failures,
It shall be well for those with undesirable condition.

O yes! it shall be unwell.
It shall be unwell for those greed,
It shall be unwell for those selfish zombies,
And for those undeserve soul,
Since the past twelve years is tragic,
When will this be a comic?
They will surely be dishonor and perish if that continue 📿☪️.
O! failure why did you came?
Just see what you've done as to be blame,
Failure or victim?
None can really tell
All we can do is to just cease our stress and hold on to God,
All shall be well.

The massive failures in our country 🇸🇱

© AbdulKarim Keh-turay