

Wrestling Restlessness
Breathing becomes sharp and sudden,
Anxiety making it harder to function.

Deep breathes while my mind is still racing,
The pursuit of happiness is the only thing I’ve been chasing.

When this sickness hits, I have to pull over,
Rattled me up more than a concrete shoulder.
I’m tired, and I need closure.
My biggest fear in life is to die a lonely sober.

Am I crazy for wanting to end this suffering?
Five years down the road, will I still be recovering?

These are questions that get brought to my attention on the daily.
God gives battles to his strongest soldiers,
So why does it feel like I’ve been fighting a war lately?

Someone tell me how to take back the time,
Because my brain is putting me in constant decline.
Someone save me from my aching mind,
Or maybe I’d be better off if I was redesigned.
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