

highschool sweetheart

You made me feel...

first it was butterflies,googly eyes, and sweet goodbyes.
You knew you had me the second we locked eyes
as soon as I slipped to fall in your arms
You took off your mask and rung the alarm.

In just a blink of in eye those sweet goodbyes, googly eyes, and butterflies
were replaced with
sleepless nights, bad advice, and the saddest chapter of my life.

You damaged my perception of myslef and took pieces of me that were never returned
But in hindsight
it was a lesson I was mandated to.

Though it was like walking around half alive I am a new firm believer of it all gets better in time. and that time heals all wounds but still till this day time can't really erase the memories of you and what you put me through.

I know it was because even with all the old sweet goodbyes. you never gave me closure or the proper last goodbye.

I don't hate you, never could. I wish you the best and hope life is good.

© Amanda Rudesill