

Counting Days
I looked at her as if she was not there
For a minute or so I stopped and stared
I did not blink neither did I look away
As if petrified by a Greek mythological cursed green woman with writhing-snakes-hair

How could I not look away? Her beauty was beyond compare
Her smiles, her eyes,
The sugar, spice
and everything else

I looked so long and hard until she vanished into thin air
And like magic she disappeared
As if she was never there

As she was never really there

But I keep seeing her everywhere
In my sweetest dream, in my worst nightmare
When I am asleep, when I am aware
Throwing back all the moment we shared
When we used to be an inseparable pair

Why does this have to be unfair?
Why cannot her life be spared?
For neither her death nor mine was I prepared
I was never ready to face this affair
That of which I was most scared
That which left my heart to aggressively tear

Now I am but a helpless solitaire
Whose vision and hearing were already impaired
Who would sit on nothing else but his old favourite chair
Whose wrinkled mind would wander off the milky way
As he reminisces about the good old days
The more he tries to take his mind off her
The clearer he remembers

The agony of missing her
He can hardly bear
Ergo he is counting his days
Until their reunion, until his death
This time, he is more prepared

© rexfaisal